Blaricum Beachhandbalfestival erg blij met Volendamse hulp van Koji

Blaricum Beachhandbalfestival erg blij met Volendamse hulp van Koji

maandag 17 juni 2024

Succesvol Blaricum Beach Handball Festival met Bijdrage van HV KRAS/Volendam Scheidsrechter Koji Kajiwara

Afgelopen weekend vond het Blaricum Beach Handball Festival plaats, waar HV KRAS/Volendam scheidsrechter Koji Kajiwara, die stage loopt bij HV KRAS/Volendam, als scheidsrechter optrad. Kajiwara, die al meer dan zeven jaar ervaring heeft als indoor handbalscheidsrechter in Japan, beleefde een unieke en uitdagende ervaring tijdens dit evenement. Koji maakte een persoonlijk verslag van zijn ervaringen in Blaricum, te lezen onderaan dit bericht.

Yvonne van Vliet van SDS’99 sprak haar dankbaarheid uit over de hulp van HV KRAS/Volendam via Koji:
“Hij heeft het geweldig gedaan en mocht zelfs de finales fluiten samen met Dylan Mouw. We waren erg blij met de hulp.”

Het Blaricum Beach Handball Festival blijft een belangrijk evenement voor de handbalgemeenschap, waarbij sportiviteit en gezelligheid hand in hand gaan. Volg Beachhandball SDS'99 Blaricum om misschien volgend jaar met een team mee te doen.

Vind jij het ook interessant om een te gekke stage te lopen bij HV KRAS/Volendam? Meld je dan aan bij

Persoonlijk Verslag van Koji Kajiwara:

Verslag van Koji zelf:

Hallo all, 

This was my second time participating in the Netherlands beach handball tournament. The biggest challenge this time was driving to Blaricum and back home. It was my first time driving abroad, and since you’re reading this article, it means I survived the experience!

The tournament was open to participants of all ages, from children to adults, and I refereed more than 20 games, including two finals. Communicating with young children was a bit tough since I don’t speak Dutch. However, the beauty of sports is that the rules are universal. Even without knowing Dutch, I managed to connect with them through gestures and body language. This experience reaffirmed my belief that sports can be enjoyed worldwide, transcending language, nationality, religion, skin color, age, and gender.

I also had the opportunity to referee many matches in different categories, with various partners each day. This diversity deepened my understanding of handball significantly. Additionally, I reunited with some friends I had met in Ameland, which was a delightful experience. It seems I was the first referee from such a distant place to participate in this tournament, and many people went out of their way to make sure I felt comfortable and supported. Their kindness made my time there truly fantastic.

Switching topics, during this period, the EURO football tournament was happening, with a match between the Netherlands and Poland. It was impressive to see how enthusiastic Dutch people are about football. Interestingly, the beachhandalplayers playing at that moment didn’t need halftime to watch the game, but used teh resting time to watch the football match. I learned a lot about Dutch sports culture and how passionately they support their national team.

One of the highlights of the tournament was the barbecue. NO MEAT, NO LIFE. Eating meat is always amazing, no matter where or when.

Although I was exhausted from the many matches and the typical Dutch weather, I had a wonderful weekend thanks to the great people I met.

I want to thank everyone!

Koji Kajiwara